

2023-11-17 15:39



  Dear Macypan:

  My name is Maraya Polo.

  I was involved in a car accident in Rochester, New York. The guy driving the truck ran a red light and he ended up crashing into my car, putting me in the hospital where I was in a coma for 28 days and laid in the hospital for almost 4 months ......

  After years of naturopathic treatment I found my best doctor at a centre that had hyperbaric chamber, 4D massage, hydrogen Ozone therapy injections, vitamin therapy, infrared sauna, etc.

  After researching with specialists I decided to purchase a home hyperbaric chamber for my personal use.

  The Hyperbaric chamber was the best gift I ever received and I came across this company in Shanghai, China, who have a great reputation for helping the health of humans and animals, I use it every day and it is my primary care doctor!!! The pain I used to feel is almost 90% gone, I can walk without any help and I can breathe without any pain in my lungs. Due to the damage this accident has done to my spine, the opinion of both doctors at different hospitals is surgery, without which I will not be able to walk and neurologically I will not be able to speak or think very well for the rest of my life ..... This infinite evil was all caused by the car accident. (You may be interested in hyperbaric oxygen machine for sale and hyperbaric chamber manufacturers )

  Fortunately, thanks to Shanghai Baobang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd, my life is now completely different as the pain, disability etc. have all disappeared. I have been using the Hyperbaric chamber for 8 months now and I am now back to my sport, swimming, Zumba, aerobics in the pool etc. ...... And soon I will be back to 10km, half marathons and marathons as I have been a sportsman all my life, my life changed 5 years ago but today I am a faithful witness to my recovery, Shanghai Baobang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd recommends the Hyperbaric chamber for everything ...... Not only can you recover from an accident, but you can also lose weight. I'm 5.7ft (1.74m) tall, I can't do sports because of the disability caused by my accident and I've gained over 40lbs (18kg) .....

  I have been using it for 8 months now, my doctor calls it the Hyperbaric chamber and I have lost about 28lbs (12kg) just by using it, it (Hyperbaric chamber) has enabled me to do my sports and have a fulfilling life loaded with lots of energy. I will soon be going to university with my hearing aid and starting my Masters. It's a breakthrough. When I had my accident, the police and the ambulance service didn't think I would survive it! This is all thanks to my love of naturalness and preventative medicine, such as the hyperbaric chamber at Shanghai Baobang.

  I offer my faithful testimony and my appreciation and gratitude to all my Shanghai Baobang pals. This is an honest company with a large number of very professional people with constant humanism and discipline like Ms Jaqueline, I can't say enough about your cooperation because after more than 9 months of negotiations and transport my Hyperbaric chamber arrived from Shanghai, China and if I had questions she would not hesitate to answer me, Shanghai The same goes for the other colleagues at Baobang.

  I am writing this letter with all my life, present and future. Coming from knowing the hyperbaric chamber through Shanghai Baobang, I offer my most honest, professional and respectful advice to all Shanghai Baobang users.



  我在纽约罗切斯特遭遇了一场车祸。开卡车的人闯了红灯,结果撞上了我的车,把我送进了医院,我昏迷了 28 天,在医院躺了将近 4 个月 ......。

  经过多年的自然疗法治疗,我在一家拥有家用高压氧舱、4D 按摩、氢臭氧疗法注射、维生素疗法、红外线桑拿等设备的中心找到了我最好的医生。


  家用高压氧舱是我收到的最好的礼物,我在中国上海遇到了这家公司,他们在帮助人类和动物健康方面享有盛誉,我每天都在使用它,它是我的主治医生!!!我每天都在使用它,它就是我的主治医生!!我以前感到的疼痛几乎消失了 90%,我可以在没有任何帮助的情况下行走,我的肺部没有任何疼痛,我可以呼吸了。由于这次事故对我的脊椎造成了伤害,不同医院的两位医生都认为我需要接受手术治疗,否则我将无法行走,而且从神经学角度来说,我的后半生将无法很好地说话或思考 .....。这无穷的罪恶都是车祸造成的。(您可能会对高压氧机销售和家用高压氧舱制造商感兴趣)。

